Wednesday, January 28, 2009


There are times when Lo makes these loud sucking sounds followed by her damsel in distrust grunt and I realize she's lost her paci and I put it back in her mouth.  Lately she's learned to turn her head and stretch just enough to suck it back in herself.  It's the funniest thing.  Now when I hear her signs that her paci is MIA, I notice instead of her stretching (sometimes it's too far) she'll be gnawing ferociously on her pudgy fists.  I'll scoot her fist over and to replace it with her paci mainly because I don't want her to become a thumb sucker like yours truly.  Once she managed to get just her thumb in her mouth and sucked for all of three seconds and I must admit, it was the cutest thing.  But five years and one pronounced overbite later...not so cute.  I realize that I will not be able to prevent thumb sucking as she ascends into toddlerhood and I wonder will I have to?  Is hot sauce and tape and scolding (oh my) in our future?, as they have been in my past.  I never took to a pacifier,  my mom once shared with me.  My thumb was my comfort well into my twelfth year.  And I never got braces, it just wasn't that type of household.  Thankfully my smile wasn't much affected and maybe Logan's won't be if she does end up pacifying herself with her pudgy thumb.  And if she does well, at least it'll be the cutest thing-for now.  Just some of my thoughts...on being Logan's mom.

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